Entertainment, Fashion, Tech

Reviewing 2017 Hottest Gadgets

As far as technology is concerned, we are living in one of the most exciting ages and every new year presents us with even more super cool gadgets that are hitting the market. This year is no different and we have some high-tech gadgets which look set to once again revolutionize the way in which we live our lives. We have taken a look at some of the most exciting products coming out this year and if you are a technophobe then read on for the a few of the gadgets that you need to start getting excited about.

Lenovo Smart Assistant

This exciting in-house or office assistant is the perfect addition to your gadget collection and following the success of the Amazon Echo, Lenovo have taken the virtual assistant to new levels. The speaker has 8 built in microphones which can pick up sound form an incredible 16 feet away. You can us the speaker to organize your day, add calendar events, ask questions and basic commands and receive responses which make Apple’s Siri appear pre-historic.

Toyota Concept- i

Toyota have take driverless cars to the next level with their new concept model which features extremely high-level AI capability. The car will not only drive autonomously, it also has the power to learn about the owners likes and dislikes, offer suggestions for places to go, and even offer conversation and music choices based on the preferences of the owner.

Intel’s Compute Card

Intel’s radical Compute Card is a tiny computer that is compressed onto a device the size of a credit card, the idea is to connect the home through one computer. The Compute Card is set to work in conjunction with home appliances and you will be able to simply slot your card in to your smart devices around the home when they need to be upgraded,.

Poweray Aquatic Drone

The popularity of drones is incredible and Poweray have tapped into this and taken things a step further with this incredible underwater drone. The waterproof gadget has a fish-finder option and users sonar to find the closest underwater creatures. Once the drone has found them, users can take advantage of the 4K camera and snap 12-megapixel images for any marine life lover to enjoy.

LG W-Series TV

Aristotle From Mattel

This super smart baby monitor is designed not only to help you check on your child but it also has the power to work in conjunction with a camera and help to perform tasks like soothing the baby, give reminders when new diapers are required and even help young children to learn a foreign language. This truly is the future of baby monitors and Mattel’s first offering of the Aristotle model looks to be one which many other companies will be trying to emulate.

The advancements which are being made in the world of tech each year seem to be leaping further and further forward and 2017 looks set to provide us with yet more evidence of this.